Five Dock PS Newsletter Term 3, Week 8, 2024
We Learn on Wangal Country
Principal's Report
Anti-Racism Contact Officers (ARCO)
Canteen Links
In the Classroom - 2K
In the Classroom - 5B
SU - Jaguars
In the Classroom - SURG
Kindergarten 2025
Year 6 Carnival Day
Tournament of the Minds Update
Merit Awards
Deadly Award Winners
Play Cricket with Iron Cove & Balmain Tigers
We Learn on Wangal Country
Principal's Report
Welcome to Week 8! The countdown to the end of the term is now on. We are looking forward to the last two weeks, where we have a number of exciting events, which include:
- Stage 1 excursion to the zoo
- Year 5 excursion to the cinema
- Sydney east Athletics carnival
- Support Unit playdate excursion
- Support Unit multisport day
- Return and earn day with the SRC
- Year 6 carnival day
- Stage 2 Primary Proms performance at Sydney Town hall
Please check the Sentral calendar for times and details.
Burwood Girls HS Dance Showcase
Last Monday, Mrs Edwards and Ms Rassaby took all the Stage 3 girls to Burwood Girls High School to view their annual dance showcase. The showcase includes elective classes from Years 9-12, as well as their extra-curricular dance ensembles. Students had a wonderful time and thoroughly enjoyed the show. This is a valuable opportunity to make connections with local high schools, highlighting the wonderful opportunities that students are offered in high school. Thank you to the teachers who attended and to the students for their exemplary behaviour, especially seeing as they used the local bus service to get to the school.
Homework policy
Recently we have had some discussions with parents on homework, which prompted a review of our homework policy. As mentioned in a previous newsletter, homework is often revision of what is covered in class. As well as regular weekly homework, your child may have assessments such as assignments or projects with due dates.The research around homework suggests that it is not as effective as many believe it to be. There is no consistent evidence that homework lifts academic performance, and no evidence that homework helps students develop skills in time management, responsibility, self-discipline or motivation. An exception to this is home reading, which research consistently finds contributes significantly to student academic success, particularly across aspects of literacy. A recent article in the ABC news outlines this and the direction many are taking with this issue.If you are interested in this article, we have added the link.
Having provided the above information, we would like to hear from our community. Please use the link below to provide your feedback about homework.
Student Progress Report Feedback
We are seeking feedback from parents about Semester One reports. We encourage all parents to provide feedback using the link provided. This is just a reminder in case you have not responded and would like to.
Leaving the school in 2025?
The school executive is currently planning for 2025 and to assist us with structuring our classes for next year we need your assistance. It is vital that we are aware of exactly how many students we will have at the school in 2025. The first day of school for most students next year will be Tuesday 4 February 2025, and new Kindergarten students will be starting on Monday 10 February. It is vital that we know if your child/children will NOT be returning to Five Dock PS or will be returning LATE next year. Some families take extended holidays in January/February and we need to know your return date so that your enrollment can be counted. This information will enable the school to plan for staffing and classing needs. You do not need to complete the form if your child is leaving year 6 to go to high school.This afternoon, you will have received a form to complete on School Bytes. Please complete the form as soon as possible. You do not have to complete the form if you are returning; it is only for families who are not returning, or returning late.
School Student Broadband Initiative
This is an Australian Government program for families and carers with school age children who are struggling with bills. Contact the team to see if you qualify and for help getting your house connected.
Call 1800 954 610 (10am – 6pm AEDT Monday to Friday).
The link with further information is below.
Grandparents Day
Next term on Wednesday 23 October we will be having Grandparents Day. We will be inviting Grandparents into the school to visit classrooms and undertake an activity with students.
Canteen Update
The school is thrilled with the way the new canteen is going. The school, along with Marissa Saad the canteen operator, would like to thank the community for their support. Students are enjoying having a canteen on site and Marissa looks forward to seeing the service grow over the course of the year. Thank you for all of the positive feedback.
Tournament of the Minds (TOM)
On Saturday 7 September Mrs Edwards took five students to participate in the TOM challenge (two students were unwell but were part of the challenge). The event was all day and I thank Mrs Edwards for using her Saturday for this extracurricular initiative. The students thoroughly enjoyed the experience and did quite well considering it was their first time This extracurricular activity is part of our goal to provide increased engagement for High Potential and Gifted students within our school. We are very proud of the way the students participated, not just in terms of their behaviour, but their skill and collaboration with others to problem solve.
PSSA Announcement
As you are aware, the Inner West PSSA recently announced its intention to move to two gala days instead of a weekly competition in 2025. Each of the twelve schools voted, with the majority of schools voting to move towards gala days. This vote was an anonymous vote from each school. Five Dock PS does not have any leadership or influence over the Inner West PSSA and did not in any way drive this agenda. The agenda was driven collectively by all schools through a professional discussion of the challenges of ensuring a consistent and manageable approach to the competitions. We all understand and can appreciate the disappointment for students, and we will endeavour to keep providing opportunities through gala days and make them just as rewarding and hopefully encourage more students to participate.
Five Dock PS Toilet Project
As discussed previously, our school has engaged in a partnership with students and the P&C to upgrade our toilet facilities. The seed for this project came directly from students, who after attending the Young Leaders Day conference, were inspired to make a positive change and impact to the school as a result of their leadership. The student leadership team approached myself and the P&C President and Vice President with this idea, including a PowerPoint presentation and costings associated with an upgrade. The students were then invited to attend the P&C meeting and present their project idea, where $2000 was voted on to provide a start the project. The school is grateful for this contribution and the students were extremely pleased and proud of their efforts. Following this, David Conway, CEO of Club Five Dock supported our school in applying for and getting a grant for $8000, specifically for this project. This is an enormous contribution and once again we are extremely grateful for this financial assistance that will go a long way towards this upgrade. Collaborations of this kind where P&Cs and the school come together to fund school infrastructure are not unique, with some schools’ P&Cs funding up to $150,000. The school is committed to working towards this upgrade. The pace of the upgrade will largely be dependent on effective collaboration between the school and the community and once again, we will be appreciative of any support provided. This support will be discussed at P&C meetings and ultimately it will be up to members to decide if funds will be directed towards this initiative and how much funds will be provided. The school is currently seeking a response from assets as to whether the school is on a list of other schools for a bathroom upgrade. Once a response is provided, the community will be updated. If you have any concerns about schools infrastructure processes, please contact myself or the P&C President in the first instance and we will follow up accordingly and through the correct channels. Once again, we thank the P&C for all of the support with this initiative and appreciate the collaborative relationships that will ultimately support students’ wellbeing and sense of belonging.
Initial Lit/ Technology Update
Last year, the P&C generously donated a significant amount of money, in excess of $30, 000 to contribute towards implementation of Initial Lit and Maqulit programs from Macquarie University. We would like to update you on the significance and impact of this program. Teachers are reporting a reduced number of students that need to be monitored as a result of phonics assessments, which demonstrates the success of this evidence-based research through whole class intervention. Mrs Holmes and Ms Virgona, who teach the program to small groups, monitor the students regularly and have both reported the gains students make after each lesson. We are committed to implementing this program for at least the next two years to monitor the progress and attainment of all students. In terms of technology, we have purchased two additional Clevertouch boards, providing a significant upgrade for two additional classrooms. iPads have also been purchased, which are used by all students, but in particular for Kindergarten, the Support Unit and Stage 2. We greatly appreciate the P&C's support in this initiative; it is through this partnership that we can significantly impact the growth and attainment of student literacy and numeracy levels.
Changes to the application process for Selective High Schools and Opportunity Classes for 2026 Entry
From 2025 placement tests for selective high schools and opportunity classes will move from single-version paper-based tests to computer-based tests.
There will also be changes to the application process for 2026 entry to selective high schools and opportunity classes. These changes will result in:
• a more engaging experience for students with computer-based testing
• a longer application period for parents and carers to apply
• more choice for parents and carers of when their child will sit a placement test
• outcomes being released earlier to parents and carers.
Applications will be open each year from November of the current year to February of the following year for both selective high school and opportunity class placement.
Parents and carers will still apply online using the selective high school and opportunity class placement application website.
Applications for selective high school and opportunity class entry in 2026 will be open from 7 November 2024 to 21 February 2025.
There will be no late applications due to the longer application period, the application closing date being closer to the test dates, and logistical constraints around organising test centres and devices.
This change to the application period means that parents and carers will now need to apply for opportunity class placement when their child is in Year 3 (or by the end of Week 4, Term 1 when their child is in Year 4). This change applies to students currently in Year 3.
For selective high school placement, parents and carers will continue to apply when their child is in Year 5 and can now apply until the end of Term 1, Week 4 when their child is in Year 6.
This link includes all of the information above, as well as extra information.
Have a wonderful fortnight.
Suzi Chosid
Anti-Racism Contact Officers (ARCO)
Anti-Racism Contact Officers (ARCOs) play a critical role in countering racism in schools.
Below is a message from Mr Johnson, our ARCO at Five Dock PS.
"With your support, we do the very best we can to ensure that our students feel safe and are able to reach their potential.The Department of Education rejects all forms of racism and is committed to the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination in NSW public schools. The Department’s Anti-Racism Policy aims to ensure that no student, employee, parent, carer or community member experiences racism within the school environment.The policy asks all members of the school community to assist in countering racism by demonstrating respect for the cultural, linguistic and religious backgrounds of others, and by behaving in ways that promote acceptance and harmony in the school environment.Each school has an Anti-Racism Contact Officer (ARCO) who is trained to assist with complaints and countering racism. Thank you for assisting us to maintain a positive school environment in which all forms of racism are rejected. Please contact me if you or your child experience any form of racism, witness anyone experiencing racism at our school, or if you would like further information or support.Mr Johnson Five Dock Public School ARCO"
The Anti-Racism Contact Officer (ARCO) is a teacher or executive member of staff who has been nominated by the principal to support anti-racism education in the school. The ARCO should:
- have a commitment to anti-racism education
- have good communication and interpersonal skills
- be trusted by students, staff, parents/carers and the school community.
The ARCO plays an important role in assisting and working collaboratively with the principal to implement major aspects of the Anti-Racism Policy:
Promote anti-racism education | Support the reporting process | Collect data |
provide advice on incorporating whole school anti-racism education strategies in school planning facilitate professional learning to build awareness of the impact of racism on social cohesion, student learning and wellbeing assist teachers to access resources which build awareness and understanding of the impacts of racism promote upstander responses to incidents of racism for staff and students. | provide advice to students, staff and community members about how to report racism support teachers to address reports of racism involving students through approaches such as restorative practice which promote respectful behaviours manage reports of racism made by students against other students in accordance with the Student behaviour policy and the school's behaviour procedures provide impartial support to the person making the report of racism during the process to increase the likelihood of a satisfactory outcome provide advice related to the impact of racism to the principal and/or nominated staff member managing the report. | maintain records of reports of racism and outcomes identify which datasets regarding racism should be collected analyse significant statistical trends in relation to reports of racism. |
Canteen Links
In the Classroom - 2K
2K would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all the parents who attended the class assembly. Your presence and support mean so much to the students, and it was wonderful to see so many of you there. The children worked hard to prepare, and having you in the audience made the event even more special. Your involvement in their educational journey is greatly appreciated, and we look forward to seeing you at future events. Thank you for being such an integral part of our school community!
In literacy lessons, the students have been exploring how ideas and cultures can be represented in texts. One of the texts studied was "Born to Run" by Cathy Freeman, which provided a powerful example of perseverance and cultural pride. I was amazed to realize that many of the students hadn’t heard of Cathy Freeman before. It’s hard to believe that her iconic gold medal win was already so long ago, yet her story remains as inspiring as ever. It’s a reminder of how quickly time passes and the importance of sharing these significant moments with the next generation.
In the Classroom - 5B
It has been an exciting term so far in 5B. We recently went to camp and had an amazing time roasting marshmallows, listening to colonial music, playing games and learning about the Gold Rush. We also visited Scenic World on the way to Bathurst. We went on some thrilling rides and saw some beautiful waterfalls and mountains!
In Term 2, we had an amazing time writing and producing our assembly item, 5BTN with the structure of the kids news program BTN. It was extremely fun to make! And congratulations to our prestigious Deadly Award winner Emmy!
In Term 3, 5B have been working hard on exciting homework projects and we created video presentations that were amazing to see. And we created and participated in fun Blookets. And there are still more to come in week 9!
The students in 5B would love to congratulate our new SRCs, Ava and Leo, as they proudly be a representative of 5B and make changes to the class and school.
Written by Emmy, Ava and Olive.
SU - Jaguars
"With the weather treating the Jaguars to some wonderful sunshine we have been visiting the school garden more often. The class enjoyed watering the plants, picking up leaves and appreciating the calmness of the garden. We most enjoyed taste testing some of the produce found in the garden like snow peas and herbs".
In the Classroom - SURG
The SU- RG, The Rainbow Gecko's have been exploring and investigating a range of hands on activities and fundamental skills each week. Every week we do activities relating to the letter/sound focus of the week. For Example; S for seeds, N for nest, P for pizza and pie. We also repeat many of our favoourite activities to really solidify routine and predictability in our classroom and so that we can keep practising what we have been learning.
Kindergarten 2025
All children must be in compulsory schooling by their 6th birthday. Children can start Kindergarten at the beginning of the school year if they turn 5 on or before 31 July that year. Students should start school at the beginning of the school year. We are now taking new Kindergarten enrolments for 2025. If you have a child that you wish to enrol, please come to the office and pick up an enrolment package. It is extremely valuable for us to know how many students we are expecting as it impacts on our numbers and how many staff we are allocated and classes we are able to form. If you have any neighbours with young children about to start, please let them know that we are taking new enrolments now.
Year 6 Carnival Day
Our 2024 Year Six Carnival Day is coming up! The theme for this year is the Olympics. Each group of (2, 3, or 4) Year 6 students has worked hard on making a stall for Five Dock Public School to enjoy. Everyone’s been getting ready by painting, drawing and designing. Year 6 have been working very hard and are super excited to show Five Dock what they have done for each stall. Some of the stalls included are Photo Booths, Food Stalls, Games and much more. The carnival will be held on Wednesday the 25th of September in Week 10. We’re thrilled to show you what we have to offer at the 2024 Year Six Carnival!
- Isobel Bendall
Tournament of the Minds Update
The day was a great success. Our school did great, as this was our first time in 10 years participating in this prestigious competition that involves primary and high school students across the south west of Sydney. We spent a significant amount of time working on this leading up to the day, the 7th of September.
There was many topics for us to choose from when we first found out about this tournament, one of the many was STEM (Science, technology, engineering and mathematics) where we had to dive into the world of robotics. Though after thorough discussion we decided to choose Social Sciences, where our task was to explain how the world would be after the continents merged back to the way it used to be millions of years ago in one big landmass. We had to also choose two side topics where we had to explain how the world coming back together would affect those. We chose politics and ecosystems.
Now we had to decide how we would do it, we chose to do a news report and have two main reporters, two reporters for politics and two for ecosystems and have one person as a cameraman. We had a limited amount of space to present our work on the day in (3x3m) and we had to have four people in the square at a time so we had to think about this carefully. Unfortunately we had two people sick on the day and we had to rearrange some things on the day.I would like to give a big thank from behalf of the team to Ms Edwards for organising it and being able to take some of us to and from the venue. Also I would like to give a big thank you to Fehoko, Zadie, Lily.B, Naomi.S, Eibhlinn and Sian for being part of the team.
- Omer Aziz
Merit Awards
Deadly Award Winners
Congratulations to this fortnight's Deadly Award winners; Audrey Wang and Sienna Deacon.
Dear Families
We are excited to announce that our 2024 Spring Vacation Care is now ready. The program has been based around what are children have been asking and favourite experiences so far.
Vacation Care Period
Vacation Care Week 1: Monday 30th of September to Friday 4th of October
Vacation Care Week 2: Tuesday 8th of October to Friday 11th of October
PUBLIC Holiday: Monday 7th of October
- The program can be viewed via the link below –
- You will be required to fill out a Permission/booking form. Once the form has been filled out we will send you a confirmation that the bookings have been made
All bookings forms must be completed by Friday 20th of September
Please let us know if you require any further information.